Welcome to the College of Engineering/IIHR Fluids Laboratories; a suite of three state-of-the art labs on the first floor of the Seamans Center annex.
The Fluids Laboratories provide resources and a supportive learning community for scholars at all levels of their education in the College of Engineering, supporting students’ first experiences with fluid mechanics measurements and simulation, undergraduate research and open-ended studies through course work or extracurricular activities, and graduate students looking to expand their research capabilities.
The fluids laboratories occupy three adjacent labs on the first floor of the new Seamans Center annex:
- The Fluids Fundamentals Lab (1070 SC) is an instructional space where students conduct experiments required in College of Engineering courses.
- The Fluids Workshop (1074 SC) is a unique workspace in which students have access to advanced instrumentation and computational tools to pursue their own independent projects within a collaborative learning community.
- The Advanced Measurements Laboratory (1074A SC) contains major flow facilities, including a wind tunnel, a towing tank, an open-channel flume, and a visualization water channel, for instruction and independent student projects.
The laboratories are also equipped with a broad array of hand tools and supplies for construction of experiments, data acquisition systems, electronic test equipment, high-speed imaging equipment, and advanced instrumentation for fluid flow measurements.

A generous grant from the Roy J. Carver Charitable Trust funded the reconstruction and reinstallation of original experiments, as well as new experiments and state-of-the- art instrumentation, to support instruction and student- driven research.
Contact us for more information. See the forms page to submit a project application or to contribute visual content for the laboratory displays.