Project Application

Students wishing to use the Fluids Workshop for independent research, course projects, student organization activities, or other scholarly activities, should first consult the Procedure for Requesting Permission to Access the Fluids Workshop, as well as the Laboratory Use Policies.  Before applying, students are encouraged to contact the laboratory supervisors to discuss plans and identify helpful resources in the lab.  After completing the required safety training courses (and saving evidence of completion, as described in the Policies and Procedures),  a project application must be submitted through Workflow at the following URL:

Evidence of safety training completion will be uploaded as part of the application process.  

Multimedia Content Submission

The fluids laboratories have two large monitors displaying visualizations from fluids-related studies conducted in the College of Engineering, and other relevant content.  New content is continuously solicited for display.  We want to show off faculty and student research being conducted in the College, illustrate the beauty of fluid flows, and demonstrate the ubiquity of fluid mechanics in our lives.  

To submit content, upload the content to this Sharepoint drive, and complete a Workflow form containing metadata associated with the uploaded material.